Friday, March 12, 2010


Steven, his mom, and I went to Brown County for his senior photos right at the tail-end of fall. We didn't have many leaves left up here in Sheridan but Brown County State Park was still full of them. We lucked out on the weather because it was raining when they came to the studio and on an off in Brown County. But the sun would still peek out at times. We went to several spots that their family has been going to every year for reunions. Pretty cool. It was also the first time I'd been actually in the park...ever! I always heard so much about it but had only been to Nashville a few times so it was neat to see the actual park. Thanks, Steven!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Jake, another of the starting Blackhawk football players, came in for our Plus session and we went to several locations around town including his church, his Dad's business and the football stadium. His dog was slightly intimidating at first but he was just a big sweetheart! Still, if I came across him in a dark alley and he growled I'd probably climb the nearest tree.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sheridan Basketball Homecoming 2010

Homecoming finally came around after being snowed out the first time. It looks like a good time was had by all the kids. Congrats to the Queen, Sarah Carlisle, who had her senior photos done at our studio! Also congrats to Linden Daiss, another senior client of ours, who got a total of 371 points here at SHS and was recognized at half-time. A full gallery is up on our website!