Merry Christmas to all our friends of the studio! Christmas is a special time of year that often gets lost in the hustle and bustle of the season. First and foremost, we must remember that we are celebrating Jesus' birth. Without our Lord and Savior, where would we be?
I always get nostalgic at this time of year. I love history and nostalgia anyway but Christmas is very cool in that respect. That is one of many reasons I am happy to be on Main Street in Sheridan. Being in the studio for just a little bit with my son today, Christmas Eve, and seeing people on Main St with all the old buildings and the Christmas decorations reminded me of a time past. Luckily we still have vestiges of that in our town and our great country.
This is a special time for the children and I am reminded of that with the boundless enthusiasm and anticipation from my own children. I can remember back to my childhood and the memories of Christmas Eve and Christmas day with my parents. It's a shame I don't have either of my parents around anymore but to know they are celebrating in Heaven makes it right. What better place to be for Christmas than with Jesus! We lost my father 2 years ago just before Christmas and had his service just after Christmas. But I still have warm feelings for that year, even though it was tough, because I knew where he was. Sitting in church on Christmas Eve and listening to Steve Quinn belt out O' Holy Night and I know both the Lord and my father were there. Wow. Tough time but a great memory.
What I am getting at is that Christmas is a time of memories. Maybe the times might be tough but God won't give us anything we can't handle. Every year we will make memories. And we need to make them with our kids too. No matter how old they are. I've added a few old photos to the blog here from my childhood for your amusement. I was a sharp dresser! 1967 and 1972. I can remember these days still. The excitement, the happiness, the comfort of family. Now go forth, make memories, enjoy what God has given you, give back, and work towards and happy and prosperous 2009. May God Bless you all.